About Miss Maybell & Charlie Judkins
The perfect accompaniment to vintage and rare spirits is vintage and rare music. Miss Maybell & Charlie Judkins are therefore the perfect accompaniment. Their sound brings you back to an era when Prohibition made the public enjoyment of cocktails and jazz difficult. Fortunately for jazz and cocktail fans, you can very much enjoy Miss Maybell & Charlie Judkins’ 1920s jazz sound while you sip comfortably on your Fine & Rare cocktail. Their historic take on music is more than just for looks. Charlie Judkins’s ragtime piano work plays well with Miss Maybell’s vocal style. Miss Maybell offers up more than just Flapper-era vocals, during her performances she plays unconventional (by today’s standards) instruments including a washboard and even a kazoo. Truly a performance to behold, Miss Maybell & Charlie Judkins are can’t miss when on the Fine & Rare stage.
Read more about Miss Maybell & Charlie Judkins on their website & catch them live on the Fine & Rare stage.